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Head 137 / OR 150cm K Cup

Head: 137, Eyes: blue, Wig: 15, Body: OR 160cm K Cup, Skin Tone: Tanned, Vagina: Fixed, Pubic Hair: none, Feet: standing

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Heads 57 / 142

Head: 142, Eyes: tpe-brown, Wig: style-2, Skin Tone: natural + Head: 57, Eyes: tpe-blue, Wig: style-9, Skin Tone: natural [gallery columns="3" size="large" link="file" link="file" ids="32908,32909"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics
Tagged: head 142 head 57

Head 8 / YL 155cm D Cup

Head: 8, Eyes: blue, Wig: 1, Body: YL 155cm D Cup, Skin Tone: Tanned, Vagina: Fixed, Pubic Hair: none, Feet: standing

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: #198, Eyes: Green, Wig: Style 6, Body: WM 163cm H Cup, Skin Tone: LIGHT TANNED, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: none, Finger Nails: clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: standing [gallery columns="3" size="large" link="file" ids="32813,32814,32815,32816,32817,32818,32819,32820"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Head 126

Head: 126, Eyes: tpe-blue, Wig: style-5, Skin Tone: light-tanned [gallery columns="3" size="large" link="file" ids="32550"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics
Tagged: head 126

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: #217, Eyes: grey, Wig: style 5, Body: WM 163cm D Cup (BWH: 88x64x90cm), Skin Tone: tanned, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Feet: standing [gallery columns="3" size="large" link="file" ids="32542,32543,32544,32545,32546,32547"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Head 198 / WM Torso M Cup

Head: 198, Eyes: brown, Wig: 1, Body: WM Torso M Cup, Skin Tone: Light Tanned, Vagina: Fixed, Pubic Hair: none

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: 162, Eyes: blue, Wig: style-1, Body: WM 165 D Cup, Heating: **** YES ****, Skin Tone: LIGHT TANNED, Vagina: insert, Pubic Hair: no, Finger Nails: clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: standing [gallery columns="3" size="large" link="file" ids="32524,32525,32526,32527,32528,32529"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: 46, Eyes: amber, Wig: style-8, Tongue: BUILT-IN, Body: wm-torso-with-arms, Skin Tone: tanned, Vagina: insert (two insert please), Pubic Hair: no, Finger Nails: clear [gallery columns="3" size="large" link="file" ids="32343,32344,32345,32346,32347"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Head 159 / WM 157cm B Cup

Head: 159, Eyes: blue, Wig: style 3, Body: WM 157cm B Cup, Skin Tone: tanned, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Feet: standing

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: Number 198 , Eye Colour: Blue , Wig: Style 7 , Body: YL 160cm JJ Cup , Skeleton: SHRUGGING SHOULDERS, Skin Tone: Tanned , Vagina: Fixed , Pubic Hair: no , Finger Nails: Clear , Toes Nails: 11 , Feet: Standing [gallery link="file" size="large" columns="3" ids="32262,32263,32264,32265,32266,32267,32268,32269"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Head 15 / WM 168cm E Cup

Head: 15, Eyes: green, Wig: 1, Body: wm-168cm-e-cup, Skin Tone: PINK, Vagina: Fixed, Pubic Hair: None, Finger Nails: Clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: Standing

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics