Starpery developing 'the next gen' AI-powered sex dolls with focus on 'emotional connection'

Starpery, who are renowned for their extremely realistic and high quality sex dolls, are a sex doll company in China who are building a new fleet of dolls using special sensors and AI technology so that they can form real emotional bonds with their owners.

AI technology has been applied to the 'next generation' of sex dolls being sold in China to make them more interactive and realistic, with a focus on 'emotional connection.'

The dolls, which are being made by Starpery Technology in Shenzhen, China, are set to hit shelves soon in the face of technological, and ethical, questions.

"We are developing a next-generation sex doll that can interact vocally and physically with users, with prototypes expected by August this year," said CEO Evan Lee, quoted in the Bangkok Times early this month.

He said the technology already exists to make dolls speak with simple dialogue, but Starpery Technology has been working on forming complex interactive responses between the dolls and their owners. This technology involves adding sensors and AI models into the dolls so that people who purchase them can form more of an emotional connection.

China currently has the largest market for sex dolls, with their sales surpassing sales in the US, Japan and Germany combined.

The dolls are sold as male and female. Despite the male-to-female ratio in China shrinking, there are still significantly more men than women across generations. Among zero to four year olds, there are 110 boys to 100 girls, but among 15 to 19-year-olds there are 115 boys to 100 girls. There is a gap between the genders at all ages.

Lee says his plans for the dolls do not just involve creating sex dolls, but to create a whole host of dolls which could help around the house, and aid people in a number of ways which we a re a big believer of being the future!

Starpery Technology is working on “smart service robots” that can assist people with disabilities, do household chores, and provide elder care.

China has one of the largest ageing populations in the world, China’s over 60s population is projected to reach 28% by 2040, so any solution for help with elder care - whether from robots or other social measures - will likely be appreciated.

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Head 126 / WM 162cm E Cup

Head: 126, Eyes: Black, Wig: 1, Body: WM 162cm E Cup, Skeleton: SHRUGGING SHOULDERS, Skin Tone: TANNED, Vagina: Fixed, Finger Nails: Clear, Toe Nails: 11, Pubic Hair: none, Feet: standing + Gel Breasts + New Hand Skeleton + Lubricant-Free Vagina

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Projekt Melody

I'm wondering how many of you guys have heard of Projekt Melody? She hit twitter in 2019 and grew her audience quite quickly. Essentially, she's a virtual youtuber who uses a 3D anime style character instead of her own. She chats using her own voice and the character syncs to that.

I'd really love to hear your thoughts on this one. Is this something you could get into? I know her real life appearance is pretty hot but does this do it for you more?

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Sex Doll Comes To Life

It's strange because dolls that don't even move can give you that eery feeling of being alive, especially in the beginning when you're new to dolls. As dolls advance with AI, talking and movement features how utterly unnerving is the coming revolution going to be...

It makes me wonder if some of the people in the world are already sex dolls, androids or NPC's.

Anyway, hope you enjoy the video and add your thoughts below in the comments

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

New Hand Skeleton

For a long time there has been some debate around our dolls hand skeletons.

Originally, if they weren't treated with extreme care the fingers could snap.

To deal with this, the factory started to use thicker gauge wire and this helped a lot.

However, we were still getting the occasional report of broken fingers.

At this stage we would advise customers to either put  fingerless lace gloves on the dolls hands as this would give them the root stability to maintain position.

Another alternative was to remove the broken wires altogether. This was best done by removing a finger nail, pulling the wire out through the skin and then replacing the nail, so that no repair was really needed as the hole would be under the nail.

There's been more debate on this for a while until finally, the factory have come up with an actual hand skeleton.

As you can see the results are amazing and we're hoping to get feedback from some of our early customer adopters as soon as we can

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Lighter Dolls

As we all know, some of the dolls we sell are heavy, perhaps too heavy for some people. There's been talk for a while of making them lighter and you guys have often sent in your ideas how to do this. Well, it looks like the time has finally come and the factory is ready to roll this out, or a prototype at least. They've focused their efforts and are now able to offer the WM 163cm H Cup in a 10Kg lighter version and the WM 168cm E Cup in a 8-10Kg lighter version.

Heavenly Cherub Gets Wings

The exact details will follow but essentially, they'll be using around 30% less TPE and adding and internal, sponge like material. Exact details on this are likely to be slow to be released as there's always an element of secrecy in an attempt to stay ahead of competitors who are more than happy to copy (often badly) advancements without doing any of the R&D.

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Painted Skin

If you want to take your doll realism to the next level you can select our "Painted Skin" option. This is essentially some extra touch ups on the doll to give the impression of skin blemishes and blood vessels. The process is considered to be permanent but a few people have reported it coming off in areas. The factory have done extensive tests and found that with normal washing and maintenance there is no loss, so it's possible that some particular cleaners may cause an issue but you're welcome to consult with us on any products before use.

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Effectiveness Of Stain Remover

One of our great customers (Anon) took the time to show the effects of our stain remover over time. It really is miracle stuff which does the job for you.

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

My Doll and I

It was Wednesday 16th of July 2020 when it happened. After spending the best part of 2 years lurking around the Lovedoll website, I finally took the plunge and bought a doll. So there you go, it's done and it doesn't matter what doll I bought or how I specced it. No, the key question here is why it took all that time to make the decision to buy. So I gave it some thought, reached some conclusions and decided to share the results with you, a reader that might be stuck in the 'buy or not to buy' rut.


What about the Doll?

I recall that I decided very early on what model I wanted. That decision was easy, I remember seeing it for the first time and was sold there and then. I admit that I did look at some others from the site, but in the end, I went for the one that just felt right which is a subjective, personal decision that I cannot really explain to you. I went for a pre-specced model, where the key decisions have already been made. I like that route because if I'd gone down the Doll Builder route I would have been swapping specs from now til kingdom come.

What about Me?

I'm in my mid fifties, I have my own business and I do alright. I'm told I look tidy enough and apparently I'm good company, but the problem for me was that I could never find the right person. Actually that's not true, I found plenty of people that were 'right' but it never worked out. Then the day arrived when I realised that I was most likely going to spend the rest of my life single. That realisation isn't a long slow fade, it's more like a hurdle to be jumped, at least it was for me and I almost messed up because I started to see buying a doll as being essentially emblematic of what I considered a major failure in my life.
But ultimately, it is what it is and the choice was to move on in a different direction or wallow in a sense of failure. At ten to four yesterday I decided to move on.

What about the Stigma?

I'm not going to lie about it. There is a stigma attached to buying a doll and to be honest, the fact that I have a doll is not going to be the subject of a pub conversation and it's not going on my LinkedIn profile either. But at same time I don't go around telling people about my collection of model cars either, it's part of my private life and so is the doll. It is wrong to let what you think other people think control your life.

What about the Supplier?

I chose Lovedoll because of the transparency, simplicity and the fact that emails are answered within hours if not the same hour. I like the ordering update system as well.

What about the Lodger?

Oh, about that. Yes, I have a lodger. Now there's a lot I can hide from the lodger, but at some point soon, 75lbs and 5ft 4 of sex doll is arriving at my flat and I'm going to struggle to explain what exactly is in the giant box at the bottom of the stairs. So I decided to tell him. It went something like this...

Me: You're not going to believe what I've done...
Lodger: Bought more model cars...
Me: No. I bought a sex doll.
Lodger: You're joking? Was this when you was pissed last night?
Me: No. I was stone cold sober.
Lodger: Not sure how I feel about that...
Me: Why?
Lodger: Well that documentary we saw a while back. The people were all a bit weird. 
Me: Am I weird?
Lodger: Well, no. Not really.That's why I'm not sure how I feel about it.
Me: This is a bit rich coming from the guy that once spent half hour having a webchat with RealDoll to see if they would build a 
doll that had blue skin and a tail. Remember that? Blue skin and a tail?

So we got through that bit and chatted a bit more about the impending new arrival and it ended like this...

Me: Glad we got past that. Anyway it arrives in three weeks time.
Lodger: Not 'It', 'She'. 'She' arrives in three weeks time...

Love my lodger...

Is she going to be worth it? I don't know, but it's worth a punt. What I do know is that it's going to be Two Men and a Sex Doll Behaving Badly. 
And I'm the only one sleeping with her, I made that very clear and besides she isn't blue and doesn't have a tail so she's safe from the lodger.

Oh, almost forgot, it's 'Jasmine' that joining us. Take a look at her profile. How could you not...?


Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

How To Move Your Sex Doll

Let's face it, all our dolls are pretty heavy and, if you're not used to them, you can get quite a shock when you first start to move them around. Here, I'll give you a few options of how to shift your lady lover depending on her weight and your strength.


The easiest way to move a standing doll is simply to pick her up under the arms, move her a short way and then put her back down again. You need to be careful with the soles of her feet because, if you put her down too quickly on a hard floor you may damage her soles (not her soul - as she may not have one). You can avoid damage to the feet by putting her down on carpet or putting socks/shoes on her.

Another option, especially if you're carrying a doll up some stairs, is to put her over your shoulder. This can be hard work on the legs but it can save a lot of time if you'd got some distance to cover and is a lot easier on the back.

You can also cradle her in front of your but be careful as this takes a lot of strength and can really hurt your back, especially if you're bending down to pick her up in the first place.

If anyone has any other suggestions please add them to the comments below and I'll update this article.

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Worried About Manufacturing Defects?


Over the last few days I've received a number of comments and messages regarding our recent posts showing some product defects. Some messages have been encouraging, others have warned us that it might cost us business, others have been worried that their doll might have an issue.

Thank you for these articles, I really appreciate LoveDoll.UK's honest and no-nonsense approach regarding these product defects. Does the increasing number of these kinds of stories mean that there is a decline in the production standards on the manufacturer's side? (I refer to the problems with the loosen legs mentioned in earlier articles) I hope not.

customer with existing order, from Hungary

So let me address that one. No, there's not drop in production standards. If anything there's been a constant improvement since the day we opened our doors. Bear in mind that we've sold way over a 1000 dolls (I'll have to do a proper count one day) and about 95% of the time we get a simple "I'm so happy" message from the customer. 4% of the time we might get a "oh, I've got a small problem", which we can generally sort out with some simple advice and maybe 1% of the time we get an issue that requires action. We're always fair though so even if this happens you should be ok.

Kudos for trying to repair your brand new doll, but this should not happen when ordering an A brand doll. Seems like a problem with quality control.


This was a comment on the website that we didn't publish because the poster hasn't bought a product from us or indicated that they will so I'm always dubious of first contact being a negative comment (although pleasantly phrased) as we have some rather lively competitors I have to keep an eye on. I do take the point that you wouldn't want a defect on a new doll (in this case loose head socket) and some people would request a replacement., whereas others are more handy and would simply prefer to do a small repair than go through the hassle of replacement.

" just a quick email of constructive criticism from one business owner to another! Your approach with clear transparency and broken parts really doesn't look good and Im sure this could be costing you business. Im sure there's a lot of proactive approaches you could take, rather than potentially scaring customers into the belief it could break, when they have invested quite a bit of money in the product."


This one is a bit different as the customer appears not have purchased from us and only just come across our blogs. My thought is that he's thinking about us more now than he was before, so personally I think this is exactly the way to go. This industry is such a nervous one and many customers don't buy for many years because they're not sure if the doll will be up to standard. We try to combat that by giving you a very real picture of the situation and allowing you to make an informed choice. We're not here to pull the wool over anyones eyes, we're here to open your eyes and show you how truly wonderful getting a high quality doll can be.

Feel free to keep the feedback coming. We leave most posts up unless it appears spammy, purely negative or links to other sites (we're not a backlink service).

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Broken Head Socket


We delivered a doll to a customer today and they were super happy but the head connector had broken. They told us that they were going to super glue it and see how they got on. If it becomes too much of a problem, I'm sure we can replace this but he asked if we had any suggestions if that didn't work. I've only seen this once before a long time ago and I can't even remember what I did to fix it.

Has anyone experienced this who has a better memory than me?

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog
Tagged: repair