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Head 368 / OR 156cm G Cup

Head: 368, Eyes: new-green, Wig: 5, Mouth: enhanced-with-tongue, Body: OR 156cm G Cup, Skeleton: SHRUGGING SHOULDER, Skin Tone: tanned, Areola Size: 4cm, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: normal + Gel Breasts + Implanted Hair

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Head 108 / OR 156cm G Cup

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: 108, Eyes: 3-brown, Wig: 4, Body: or-156cm-g-cup, Skeleton: SHRUGGING SHOULDER, Skin Tone: light-tanned, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: with, Finger Nails: clear, Toe Nails: 8, Feet: standing

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: BODY ONLY, Body: OR 156cm G Cup, Skeleton: SHRUGGING SKELETON, Skin Tone: LIGHT TANNED, Areola Size: 5cm, Areola Colour: NOT DARK COLOUR, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Feet: Standing [gallery columns="3" size="large" link="file" ids="33449,33450,33451,33452"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics
Tagged: OR 156cm G Cup