Factory Pics
Heads 121 / 188 / 142 / 248
Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: 248, Eyes: 2-green, Wig: style-10, Skin Tone: tanned, Head: 142, Eyes: 7-light-blue, Wig: style-1, Skin Tone: light-tanned, Head: 188, Eyes: 4-black, Wig: style-8, Skin Tone: pink, Head: 121, Eyes: 3-brown, Wig: style-5, Skin Tone: tanned
Head 121
Head: 121, Eyes: 7-light-blue, Wig: style-8, Skin Tone: natural
Factory Pics head 121 / WM 170cm H Cup Body
Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: 121, Eyes: 8-dark-blue, Wig: style-1, Tongue: , Body: wm-170cm-h-cup, Skeleton: SHRUGGING SHOULDER, Skin Tone: tanned, Vagina: insert, Pubic Hair: *** YES ***, Finger Nails: clear, Toe Nails: 8, Feet: NORMAL