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Head 220

Head: 220, Eyes: brown, Wig: 4, Body: wm-168cm-e-cup, Skin Tone: LIGHT TANNED, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: standing

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: #46, Eyes: black, Wig: style 5, Body: WM 155cm L Cup, Skeleton: Shrugging Shoulders, Skin Tone: tanned, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: Clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: standing [gallery link="file" size="large" ids="35956,35957,35958,35959,35960,35961"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: 233, Eyes: brown, Wig: style 7, Body: YL 155cm A Cup (Big Hips), Skeleton: *** SHRUGGING SHOULDER ***, Skin Tone: natural, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: normal [gallery link="file" size="large" ids="35947,35948,35949,35950,35951,35952"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: 130, Eyes: blue, Wig: style-8, Skin Tone: light-tanned [gallery size="large" link="file" ids="35941,35942,35943"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics
Tagged: head 130

Head 198 / WM 163cm H Cup

Head: 198, Eyes: brown, Wig: 13, Body: wm-163cm-h-cup, Skeleton: Shrugging Shoulder, Skin Tone: light-tanned, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: pink, Toe Nails: 3, Feet: standing

+ Extra Head: 149, Eyes: blue, Wig: style-8, Skin Tone: light-tanned

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Head 121 / OR 157cm H Cup

Head: #121, Eyes: GREEN, Wig: 5, Body: OR 157cm H Cup, Skin Tone: LIGHT TANNED, Vagina: Fixed, Pubic Hair: None, Finger Nails: Clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: Standing

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: 179, Eyes: blue, Wig: style 15, Skin Tone: natural [gallery link="file" size="large" ids="34603,34605,34604,34606,34602"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics
Tagged: head 179

Head 118

Head: 118, Eyes: green, Wig: style-11, Skin Tone: natural [gallery size="large" link="file" ids="34594,34595,34596,34597,34598,34599"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics
Tagged: head 118

Head 117 / YL 165cm FF cup

Head: 117, Eyes: blue, Wig: 12, Tongue: build-into-head, Body: yl-165cm-ff-cup, Skeleton: Shrugging Shoulders, Skin Tone: LIGHT TANNED, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: normal

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Head 108 / WM 158cm D Cup

Head: 108, Eyes: Brown, Wig: 12, Body: WM 158cm D Cup, Skin Tone: LIGHT TANNED, Vagina: Fixed, Finger Nails: Clear, Toe Nails: 11, Pubic Hair: none, Feet: standing

Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: #40, Eyes: Blue, Wig: style 3, Body: OR 156cm E Cup, Skin Tone: tanned, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: Clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: standing [gallery link="file" size="large" ids="33773,33774,33775,33776,33777,33778"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics

Factory Pics

Customer order just completed at the factory: Head: none, Body: WM 156cm C Cup, Skin Tone: Tanned, Skeleton: *** SHRUGGING SHOULDERS ***, Vagina: Fixed, Pubic Hair: Without, Finger Nails: Pink, Toe Nails: 3, Feet: Standing feet [gallery link="file" size="large" ids="33766,33767,33768"]
Lovedoll UK
Category: Factory Pics
Tagged: WM 156cm C Cup