Sideways Floppy Leg
We recently delivered a doll to a customer and one of the legs was a little floppy. He used the fix we showed in another post and this solved the problem for front and back motion but the leg remained slightly floppy in a sideways manner. He was largely happy with the doll so simply asked if there was a method of tightening up this action. Presently, we've sent the following video to the manufacturer and are awaiting a response.
Has anyone else experienced this and/or have a fix?
[Update 15/6/20: the factory have said that this is fairly normal and can be fixed much the same as the other problem, where the leg flops forwards and backwards - let's see if this helps the customer]
Gel Breasts (What's The Difference?)
We shipped a new doll to a customer with gel filled breasts. However, upon receiving the doll, the customer said that they were not gel filled but appeared to be air filled.
What do you think guys - gel or air?
[UPDATE 13/6/20: The factory have confirmed that the breasts are in fact gel filled. The customer is happy with the purchase, though I'm still waiting to confirm if he believes this, is unsure or still thinks they are not.]
Loose Leg
In the spirit of being more open and transparent, I wanted to kick this off with a product issue a customers is having with his doll. On the second day the customer emailed to say that he believed the left leg had become detached from the skeleton so I asked him to send in a video.
I could see from the video there was a definite issue as the leg does not hold any position and simply flops back to the bed. Having seen this a few times over the years, I believed this was simply a loose joint, rather than a detached joint. Having read something on a forum the customer thought it might still be detached so I advised him to put the leg straight and then pull on it, i.e. as if trying to pull it out of the socket. From this, he saw that it was not detached and felt a little better about the situation.
We sent the customers video to the factory and received an instructional video back in return on how to fix the problem. We asked the customer to perform this operation on camera so we can see if it works. The customer has now tried the fix (see around 1:10 on the video) and said that it was not successful. I informed the factory and sent them the video and they have confirmed that they will now make a new doll for the customer.
New Way Of Doing Things
I want to share something with you. I love this work and I think it's very important. It has helped so many people and right now I can't think of a better contribution to society than this. However, it also brings with it a lot of problems and they've been tough on the soul. I've thought long and hard, how to solve many of these problems and I think ultimately, it just requires more openness.
With that in mind you may see me posting a lot of things that would ordinarily be kept under wraps. I hope you appreciate this and that it helps all of us grow...
Big Bush For My Doll
Over the last couple of years, I'd say only 1 or 2 doll orders out of every 100 have asked for pubic hair. 4-5 years ago, that was probably higher, like maybe 10 out of 100. So as standard most dolls are simply photographed without them. There are a few reasons for this, like, it's been fashionable for real life women to be shaven (just like in the 70's a big bush was fashionable). Another reason was the technology - originally the factory used to poke individual hairs into the dolls skin and glue hairs into place. This looked pretty good but over time the hairs could fall out and you'd be left with a holey/stubble effect. So customers began to advise each other not to bother. Finally, there was the cleaning side because chances are you'd get lube or man juice on the hair and then have to clean it, whereas if there isn't any hair, it's a quick wipe.
Over the last year or so, came the idea of glue on patches. At first, most people were quite cautious with this because it involved using strong nail glue which could slightly damage the skin underneath. However, it seems that's not super important as it's covered by the pubic hair patch anyway. So there would only be an issue, if you wanted to go back to having no pubic hair.
Although we've offered the option of having your doll shipped with the pubic hair patches for a while, we haven't sold them as standalone products. As we've recently seen the number of enquiries about these products increase we've realised we need to start offering them. As soon as we did we had a little flurry of sales, which told us that either the demand was always there and we didn't realise, or that times are changing. I'm willing to accept both but lean towards the latter as these pubic hair patches look so good that, that is probably what's enticing people.
Recently we had a customer ask us if we supplied full bushes and I had to admit we didn't. He was sure of what he wanted though and went on to purchase one for top dollar elsewhere and then send me a pic (which you can see above). He said the thought the style we provided were great but perhaps too Eastern in appearance. I'd never considered this before and had another look at the 2 styles and had to agree. Personally, I like them but see the point. So, the point of my little ramble is, I'm wondering how many of you out there feel the same and would like, if not a full bush, something a little more western looking?
New styles available as at May 2020:
Clothes Stained My Sex Doll
Maybe once a month or so, we'll get an email from a customer saying that their doll has some stains from the clothes they were wearing. The reason this happens is because dolls weep oil. This oil is part of the skin material and manufacturing process and over time it gradually weeps out. This can then seep into the clothes that a doll is wearing and pull the dye out and onto the dolls skin. This can be quite a traumatic time as you may think your £1000 plus doll is ruined. For example, imagine the panic our customer had after he saw what a black bra had done to his doll :(
The most likely culprits are black items of clothing, as these have the most dye and cheap items of clothing, as these have the lowest quality dye. So to be completely safe you can avoid black clothes and anything that appears quite dark, like a dark red and stiff to whites and pinks. If you must try some other colour then you can either dress your doll for a short period of time and then check if it's bled, or you can boil wash the clothes first to try and get rid of most of the excess dye to start with. Sometimes different colours are fine, when you buy clothes that have a washed out appearance.
Over time your doll will not exude as much oil so the risk of staining is less. However, if you're really taking care of your doll you will be applying our high quality mineral oil to keep the TPE soft and prevent cracking or other damage over time and this can also pull dye from clothes. So ultimately, the best advice is to stay away from dark colours.
Below you can see the effect of a single application of our stain remover...
In total, it took 4 applications to completely remove the stain. So try not to stain your doll but if you do, don't panic, you can fix it :)
Gel Breasts
There has been a minor debate over the years about solid breasts vs air filled breasts. This is where the breast would be completely filled with TPE or if there'd be an air pocket created inside to make them feel softer. For us this was a complete no brainer and once this came out there was no reason to offer solid breasts any more. Occasionally we'd get someone ask about them but not one person in the last 4 years actually ordered them.
However, we now have a new contender in the arena which isn't an obvious choice and the new question becomes air-filled or gel-filled breasts. What often happens in these scenarios is that there's a clear winner and this will ultimately come down to which feels better. Right now I couldn't say as we've only just placed our first few orders for them.
Simply put, where there used to be air, there is now gel. The cavity inside the breast is also made larger than it would be if it was just fat. The pictures below, show how the gel looks inside the breast and a container of the gel itself.
Fixed vs Removable Vagina
This is an old question but one that still pops up quite a lot, so here's a run down and our opinion. From the outside both options look the same until you open the dolls legs. Once you do that, the vagina parts a little and you can see the insert - as you can see it looks pretty unnatural. With the idea of our dolls being to look as real as possible, this is definitely a detraction from that.
There are mixed opinions on which is best but each has its advantages and disadvantages.
Fixed Vagina: Advantages
- looks better
- less likely to get external damage
Fixed Vagina: Disadvatanges
- Requires inventive cleaning methods, such as thrusting your whole hand up and wash out with soap and water and then dry out with a clean sock on your hand or allow to air dry by leaving the legs slightly parted for a few hours.
Removable Vagina: Advantages
- Easier to do a more thorough clean as you remove the vagina, take it to the sink, turn it inside out and thoroughly wash, dry and then replace it.
Removable Vagina: Disadvantages
- Can be quite time-consuming and tricky to remove the insert
- We've frequently seen damaged dolls from people being to forceful on the removal and replacement
- If you get a spontaneous need to use your doll, the vagina may not actually be in place (you might have forgotten to replace it)
- It's only the vagina that's replaceable, so if you 're in to anal sex and oral sex, you're in the same position anyway
- doesn't look so good
To conclude, we always recommend fixed and around 99 out of 100 dolls we sell have a fixed vagina.
Lubricant-Free Vagina
Why do I need to lube my doll up, before I have sex with it?
For many guys that's a common question and the answer is simple. Unlike women, dolls can't lubricate their own mouths and vaginas. So you need to add some drops of alcohol free lubricant before you get busy. Or, should I say, you had to do that before but NOT ANY MORE. We've now added the lubricant free vagina option to all our TPE dolls.
This essentially means that you only need a few drops of water and you're good to go. Gives a whole to meaning to slippery when wet!
This option is available for both fixed and removable vaginas, so however you like it, we've got you covered.
As always, let us know your thoughts below
Can You Bath Or Shower Your Sex Doll?
I get asked this so often that it really makes sense to write a quick post for you guys.
Yes, you can shower the doll but be careful of getting water into the top of the neck, or from soaking up via the feet if they come loose from the studs.
Again, you can was the head - just be careful, because over time it's always possible to get a tear inside the mouth and then water can seep inside the head.
The problem with water getting inside the doll, is that it will slosh around inside and become annoying. It will also go off over time and smell. Then if it finds a hole to seep back out again, it will become a little smelly.
Movie: Jexi
When his phone is broken in a little accident, Phil gets a new phone with a new personal assistant, Jexi. 'She' quickly turns out to be a little more pushy and rude than the average assistant and things take an interesting turn.
Youtube" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen> Trailer - Available On Amazon Prime
WM 161cm G Cup - 2 Bodies Confusion
A few people have asked us about this issue. Strangely enough, none of them have been our customers and are seeking advice from elsewhere. The basic issue is the fact that there are two different bodies with the label WM 161cm G Cup but people haven't been made aware of this. For some background information when a new doll is created, a single mold is generally made and used to produce all orders for that body. If the body becomes very popular then a bit of a queue can develop and delays might occur. When this happens the decision to make a second mold is often made. Generally, this second mold is good and differences between the two are generally not noticeable unless you're really looking for them.
This is what happened with the WM 161cm G Cup - it became popular and a second mold was commissioned. However this time, it didn't come out quite as close a match as usual and there were some slightly more noticeable differences. Namely, the breasts appear a little fuller and the stomach isn't quite the same - the original was very distinctive with a solid abdominal central line. The new body still has this to an extent but it's slightly softer looking and that's probably a good way to summarise it - it has some slightly softer looking features: breasts, areola/nipples and stomach.
I think a couple of our customers probably received one of the new bodies but they didn't seem to mind, or didn't complain at least. It also appears that, in China at least, the new body is more popular.
Going forward it's likely that the factory will still use both molds interchangeably (though I'm waiting on confirmation of this) so if you place an order, it's possible you'll get either - though most do seem to come through as the old body.If you have a preference, feel free to request the one you want when placing the order.
For the time being, we won't be differentiating. Though it's possible that we will start requesting the old mold as standard, simply because this is what all our stock pics have been shot with. I'll update you on this here as I consider our options.