Skeleton Improvement

A wrist joint that rotated independently of the arm first started with the OR156cm dolls. I think over time, the factory have realised it's not such a good idea and have gone back to the old design (or an improved design). I've confirmed this now on OR 156cm, YL 160cm and WM 170cm. To me it seems a much better way and maybe there's a case to say that millions of years of evolution have it right. Do you like it or would you prefer it the old way?
Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

A Sneak Peak At Up-Coming Robot Sex Doll Technology

Yes guys, we did it. We managed to infiltrate the secret R&D arm of our production factory partner and can exclusively bring you this: What do you think?
Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Our Curiosity Of Sex Robots Goes Back A Long Way

As we're on the cusp of releasing our very own line of robot sex dolls and we see the increasing interest in the media we all need to stop and realise that we've been dreaming of this moment for a long time. There are many negative posts about the possible consequences of making life-like robots but the answer is no-one really knows if they'll help us have better lives as other inventions have or if they'll turn on us Terminator style. For now I say let's just enjoy this moment, the moment just before everyone went crazy for robot sex dolls lolololol... We've dreamed of this for a long time:
Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

New Wigs

A light post for you today. We often get asked for more wigs and we've been on the lookout for a while. We put our thinking caps on and will be bringing a limited range of funky wigs. Starting with this one here:
Let us know what you think, is this extra sexy or trashy?
Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Moving Next Door Update

Sorry, if we've seemed a bit distant the last few weeks. We're almost done with the move now and will reverting all our attention back on you guys starting Monday. Don't you just always underestimate a task? Yeah, we'll be moved over in a few days lol. Anyway, by the time you read this we're probably good to go. We have our makeshift show room set up where you should be able to view 10-20 dolls at any one time. As you can see from the shot we often have a lot of high end used dolls in stock, as well as a good collection of new tpe heads and bodies. As you can see the set up is still slightly make-shift and we'll fine tune it in the coming weeks to give you guys a nice experience. We may not always have the model you want but you can come and get an idea of the dolls and either take something similar on the day or place an order for you exact model to be delivered later. Note, we're still in the same building, so if you've been before, you already know where you're going :) Is there a particular thing you'd like to see in the showroom?
Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Showroom Update Plus Other Changes

We've got some more exciting changes coming up shortly. Next week should see the completion of our move into bigger premises. It's just next door but it gives us more room to bring all of our outsourced distribution back in house. Presently, we don't ship our accessories and sex toys directly but will start to do so again. This will ensure every order is perfect and will also give us a later cut off time for next day delivery - we're hoping for around 5pm. It will also allow us to concentrate more on expanding the range of accessories, so if there's anything you think we should add let us know - yes, I know, you're all screaming for clothes - we're working on it :) We'll also be able to set up a more functional showroom. Whilst you've always been able to come and visit us, what we'd have in stock at any time would vary widely and movement was limited. Whereas now we'll have a set area, maintain a minimal stock level and be more able to accommodate you time wise. As we're up north it's often tricky for many of you to make the trip but it should be more worth your while now. We've made a lot of website changes recently and have a lot more coming over the next few weeks, to improve flow and user experience. If you like what we do, let us know and, of course if you don't, let us know. We're aware of an issue with getting password reminders for your account (if you forget yours) and we should have that fixed shortly. In the mean time feel free to catch us on chat and we'll hook you up. In terms of new manufacturers, we're in talks with 4 right now. If we can make some of them work and we're happy we'll bring them to you. One of them may be quite the surprise. We've also recently ditched DS Dolls, we think they've had their day and have got too much wrong lately (sorry guys, no offence). Finally, I'm hoping to be a lot more free personally, to continue being your primary contact for the business and to be even more available. So if you see an even higher level of interaction, don't be surprised. I love all of you guys, I mean that. I care for each of you and your wellbeing and this journey we're all on. This is my way of helping the world heal. OK, mushy stuff over, I'm out of here :)
Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Lou Fernandez: Real Doll Repairman

oh, this kills me - check it out:
Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

No Returns from Rude Ink.

Bit slow to get going but gets hilarious - what do you think?
Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

A Bit Of Mouth Action

We posted this on Instagram and a lot of people liked it, so we thought we'd share :)

Nice #suction on #sexdoll head #86 #beautiful #sexy #mouth #mouthfetish

A post shared by Love Doll UK (@lovedoll_uk) on

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

Where We're At As A Company

In our first year in this businesses we turned over somewhere under a million pounds. We were selling more dolls in a month than any other UK company (there weren't too many then) did in a whole year. We achieved this by offering a level of service that most people expect from the likes of Amazon and by being friendly, open and approachable. Everyone else was doing the crazy hassle and hustle and we were focusing on our service. Everyone else was on the breadline (and many still are) whilst we were profitable and reinvesting in the business. As a new industry, there's nobody else to copy and so we were pretty much inventing things as we went along. We were the first to import dolls directly and take the worry away from our customers. Now everyone copycats it. We were the first to declare full value on our dolls and pay full rate customs on them. Most people still don't do this. We were the first to inspect the dolls and repair any minor defect prior to shipping. Some now do this. We were the first to hold dolls in stock, ready for shipping. Some dabble at this, but either can't afford to do it or don't know how to work it (we can't keep enough in stock). In the second year we tried some things that kind of backfired. We outsourced some of our packing and shipping and standards dropped. Not to the extent that anyone really noticed but we did. The thing is that no-one really cares about your business and customers as much as you do and so we're in the process of bringing the last of that outsourcing back in house. Another issue were the changes we made to our website, which were essential, but meant a loss of google rankings (at one point we ranked above Amazon). Thankfully, they're on their way back. Our strategy is long term as we see the huge benefits at the end of this rainbow both to us as a company and to mankind in general. There are markets and sales we don't pursue, as such pursuits require an unsustainable level of energy and are often actually detrimental to you as a business. The amount of thinking it takes to understand an industry that is just starting to take off is mind bending. The increasing number of bedroom competitors who spring up, thinking they can grab a slice of the pie by selling counterfeit goods, tax evasion or simply misleading customers serves ultimately to damage the industry. We've largely ignored these and focused on our own goals but having now achieved them a focus of our third year will be targeting them. Sure there are many short cuts to sales, a lot of kiss assing or just sheer nagging and repetition that will get you to where you want to be. There's a better approach though and that's thinking about everything that's wrong with the industry and starting to put it right in your own way. We've dealt with many shysters in this industry who are simply interested in the money (the sharks of this world) or those who just don't have the vision necessary to succeed. You'll notice that we've dropped various manufacturers from our lineup and you'll soon see some new ones - those with the vision, work ethic and business sense to make a difference. Cutting ties, often to our own temporary detriment but in pursuit of a higher goal, is the best form of homage to a business or industry. Our main focus in the third year will be normalising this business in the way that Ann Summers did for womens lingerie and toys. So if there's a time when you feel we're not talking to you so much then why not come with us. Bring this into the open and become the public envy for all to see.
Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

What Kind Of Guys Buy Sex Dolls?

This is a question that I often get asked by people new to the sex doll industry. I enjoy this question immensely and when I answer, I pause for a moment and enjoy that little look on their face as they're expecting me to tell them our customer base is full of fat, ugly guys who live in their mothers basements. After a moment,  I tell them that they're the kind of guys who have a couple of grand lying around. Pow! My first blow is struck. Then I tell them that there is no typical customer and they range right across the board of the population. We have reclusive customers who have temporarily retreated from society and/or relationships and we have wealthy professionals and businessmen who rock up in new executive cars.

'they're the kind of guys who have a couple of grand lying around'

  We have guys who've had problems cheating on their wives and don't want to do it anymore and we have others who's wives have had a difficult pregnancy and won't let their husbands near them. We have guys who have gone through a difficult divorce and can't face the prospect of dating, let alone remarrying, and we have guys who've been told their entire life that sex is wrong and dirty. We have women who want to safely and discreetly explore a new side to their selves and we have guys without any current issues or hangups who simply want to try it out.

'What each customer has in common though is a pioneering spirit and a huge, sometimes hidden, love of women'

  What each customer also has in common is a pioneering spirit and a huge, sometimes hidden, love of women. Although sex dolls are now very accepted and often the source of envy for many people you wouldn't say they were yet mainstream and a little searching, both online and internally, is needed to find and then purchase one of our dolls. Another common theme is a loss of connection with the feminine. You may or may not consciously recognise this and only begin to see it as your experience progresses but a connection with both the masculine and the feminine is essential to a healthy life and what greater tribute can we pay to the feminine than to say that we are prepared to fix this within ourselves in order to be happier, more productive members of the whole.

Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog

What Is Male Sexuality?

Male sexuality doesn't really have a positive image in society and it's often seen as something that needs to be kept under control. Either that or we go around mounting anything that moves and, please God, cover those table legs (that's an old joke in case you don't know what I'm talking about). I wonder though if it's really so dangerous? The constant burden that a man faces from a genetically induced, new breeding-stock-hunting daydream is, at best, a constant nuisance and, at worst, inescapable. Many/most (who can tell which?) of us decline this most instant invitation in favour of monogamous relationships. No we're not doing women any favours, this is simply what we choose to do. Be responsible to our wives, partners and society. However, if men maintain that monogamy by watching porn and masturbating they're considered dirty, maybe seen as taking energy away from their relationship or society. I wonder though, if we could look at it from another point of view and say that men are often doing the responsible thing in relieving tensions forced upon us by DNA and, as is a fashionable thought at the moment, stress and anxiety (yes when stressed men are said to masturbate and women are said to eat). There's a lot of sex positivity in the social media scene and it's really great. However, it's predominately coming from women. This in itself is great but to make it even better we should add in some male sex positivity. Not the stereotypical builders whistling at women in streets but celebrating that we want sex with women as much as, were now finding, women want sex with us. Let's neither of us be overly aggressive about it and try to control the other. As men learn not to be afraid of the depths of female sexuality, women can learn not to be afraid of the insistence of mens. I can't help but wondering at what we could achieve, if we worked together and set each other free.
Lovedoll UK
Category: Blog