Male
sexuality
doesn't
really
have
a
positive
image
in
society
and
it's
often
seen
as
something
that
needs
to
be
kept
under
control.
Either
that
or
we
go
around
mounting
anything
that
moves
and,
please
God,
cover
those
table
legs
(that's
an
old
joke
in
case
you
don't
know
what
I'm
talking
about).
wonder
though
if
it's
really
so
dangerous?
The
constant
burden
that
a
man
faces
from
a
genetically
induced,
new
breeding-stock-hunting
daydream
is,
at
best,
a
constant
nuisance
and,
at
worst,
inescapable.
Many/most
(who
can
tell
which?)
of
us
decline
this
most
instant
invitation
in
favour
of
monogamous
relationships.
No
we're
not
doing
women
any
favours,
this
is
simply
what
we
choose
to
do.
Be
responsible
to
our
wives,
partners
and
society.
However,
if
men
maintain
that
monogamy
by
watching
porn
and
masturbating
they're
considered
dirty,
maybe
seen
as
taking
energy
away
from
their
relationship
or
society.
wonder
though,
if
we
could
look
at
it
from
another
point
of
view
and
say
that
men
are
often
doing
the
responsible
thing
in
relieving
tensions
forced
upon
us
by
and,
as
is
a
fashionable
thought
at
the
moment,
stress
and
anxiety
(yes
when
stressed
men
are
said
to
masturbate
and
women
are
said
to
eat).
There's
a
lot
of
sex
positivity
in
the
social
media
scene
and
it's
really
great.
However,
it's
predominately
coming
from
women.
This
in
itself
is
great
but
to
make
it
even
better
we
should
add
in
some
male
sex
positivity.
Not
the
stereotypical
builders
whistling
at
women
in
streets
but
celebrating
that
we
want
sex
with
women
as
much
as,
were
now
finding,
women
want
sex
with
us.
Let's
neither
of
us
be
overly
aggressive
about
it
and
try
to
control
the
other.
As
men
learn
not
to
be
afraid
of
the
depths
of
female
sexuality,
women
can
learn
not
to
be
afraid
of
the
insistence
of
mens.
can't
help
but
wondering
at
what
we
could
achieve,
if
we
worked
together
and
set
each
other
free.