Sorry, if we've seemed a bit distant the last few weeks. We're almost done with the move now and will reverting all our attention back on you guys starting Monday. Don't you just always underestimate a task? Yeah, we'll be moved over in a few days lol. Anyway, by the time you read this we're probably good to go. We have our makeshift show room set up where you should be able to view 10-20 dolls at any one time. As you can see from the shot we often have a lot of high end used dolls in stock, as well as a good collection of new tpe heads and bodies. As you can see the set up is still slightly make-shift and we'll fine tune it in the coming weeks to give you guys a nice experience. We may not always have the model you want but you can come and get an idea of the dolls and either take something similar on the day or place an order for you exact model to be delivered later. Note, we're still in the same building, so if you've been before, you already know where you're going :) Is there a particular thing you'd like to see in the showroom?
Lovedoll UK