Head: 159, Eyes: blue, Wig: style 3, Mouth: Enhanced/With Tongue, Body: WM 157cm B Cup, Skeleton: SHRUGGING SHOULDER, Skin Tone: tanned, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: standing, , + New Hand Skeleton (FREE), + Lubricant-Free Vagina, + Penis Attachment (large), + Painted Skin
Category: factory pics
Below you’ll see a selection of pictures of customer dolls rolling off the factory production line. These pics are essential so that you can see exactly what your doll will look like when she’s delivered and they also show that we are a genuine company, actually selling dolls.
Head 370 / WM 174cm G Cup
Head: 370, Eyes: light grey, Wig: https://ibb.co/fYPT5D6, Mouth: Enhanced / With Tongue, Body: WM 174cm G Cup, Skeleton: SHRUGGING SHOULDER, Skin Tone: tanned, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: Clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: standing + Gel Breasts + New Hand Skeleton + Implanted Hair
Head 93 / WM 165cm P Cup
Head: 93, Eyes: 7-light-blue, Wig: style-15, Mouth: enhanced-with-tongue, Body: WM 165cm P Cup, Skeleton: SHRUGGING SHOULDER, Skin Tone: natural, Areola Size: 7cm, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: style-1-black, Finger Nails: pink, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: standing + Lubricant-Free Vagina + New Hand Skeleton
Head 159 / WM 173cm H Cup
Head 248
Head 118 / WM 162cm B Cup
Head 273 / WM 172cm B Cup
Head 220 / YL 170cm FF Cup
Head: 220, Eyes: black, Wig: https://ibb.co/jMzm73N, Mouth: Enhanced / With Tongue, Body: YL 170cm FF Cup (https://ibb.co/jMzm73N), Skeleton: SHRUGGING SHOULDER, Skin Tone: Tanned, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: Clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: standing + Gel Breasts + New Hand Skeleton + Penis Attachment (large) + Head: 201, Eyes: blue, Wig: 1, Mouth: Enhanced / With Tongue, Skin Tone: Tanned
Head 266 / WM 166cm C Cup
Head: 266, Eyes: brown, Wig: style 1, Mouth: Enhanced / With Tongue, Body: WM 166cm C Cup, Skeleton: SHRUGGING SHOULDER, Skin Tone: tanned, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: Clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: standing + Gel Breasts + New Hand Skeleton + Implanted Hair + Head: 266, Eye Colour: Light Blue, Wig: Style 14, Skin Tone: Light Tanned, Mouth: Enhanced / With Tongue
Head 70 / WM 160cm A Cup
Head: 70, Eyes: brown (look like: https://ibb.co/s2cTtD0), Wig: 8, Mouth: Enhanced / With Tongue, Body: WM 160cm A Cup, Skeleton: SHRUGGING SHOULDER, Skin Tone: Light Tanned, Vagina: fixed, Pubic Hair: without, Finger Nails: Clear, Toe Nails: 11, Feet: standing + New Hand Skeleton + Head: 253, Eyes: Green, Wig: Style 2, Skin Tone: Light Tanned, Mouth: Enhanced / With Tongue